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Lucky House Mystical Store

Peppermint Herb

Peppermint Herb

Regular price $4.00 USD
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Peppermint Herb (Menta)

Gender: Masculine

Element: Fire

Planet: Mercury and Pluto

Used For: Abundance, Communication, Healing, Purification, Love 

Increases the vibrations of a space or in spells and incense for healing & purification. Putting Peppermint on your altar will help call in good spirits to be present and aid in your magic. The smell of Peppermint compels one to sleep and placed beneath your pillow it is said to offer a glimpse of the future in your dreams. Mint is associated with success, prosperity, and upward mobility.  Add dried mint to a financial, or money spell candle to align your spirit with your highest earthly goals.

Peppermint is associated with the Deities Pluto, Zeus, Persephone, Nyx, Hades, and Hecate.

Weight: .5 oz 

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